Monday, October 19, 2009

Brigham Young Had the Right Idea

I know I have written a lot lattly but there is so much to catch up on. Also there isn't anybody to talk about what is going onto out here so I can get going pretty easy.

Well I don't have to say that Brigham Young had the right idea. The grid system is the only way to go. I don't know what kind of system other areas have but if you don't have a system to your streets people are going to get lost. Let me explain: Here in Michigan the streets are the ones in charge. If a street just decides to end then it can end and if it wants to start up again a mile away then it can. Streets also have two names it can be called either St. Joesph or it can be called Litchfield St. Streets aren't the only thing that don't have a system. Address numbers don't have to follow in any order. Numbers can go from 136, 138, 134, 142. Or they can jump like no other 678, 690, 734, 1568, 1684, 238, 432. And not too often from what I've seen they don't even have to be on the same street, like odds and evens on both sides of the street. Also addresses need to be given correct city addresses. If a address is in the Reading city limits don't give it a Hillsdale address. Enough said. Brigham Young had the right idea.

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